P4C Ponder wk6

Hola amigos,

today’s question is…

My favorite place in the world is Tonga because it is just the best place in the world and just because we didn’t win the cup doesn’t mean they didn’t try there best.

anyway what is your favorite place in the world and why????



Novel ponder 3!!!

Hola amigos,

here is my novel ponder

I think that Ivan Ella and Ruby shouldn’t live in the zoo,

because I think that they should be in their habitat.

I think that a good zoo should have more stuff in the rooms so that they think it’s their habitat.


What do you think???

novel ponder 2!!!!!

Hola amigos,

todays novel ponder is

I think that Ivan is most proud that it is from his most important human friend Julia

for the art that she draws him.

But it is in my opinion I don’t know if i’m right or not.

Who do you think Ivan is most proud of???????




ponder 2!!!

hola amigos,

The question for today is

I would be the fastest person in the world because

I would be really fast and I would be able to win the Olympics for Tonga.

What would you chose and why????

Bye amigos~

novel ponder wk 1!!!!

Hola amigos,

I think that ivan is not  lonely because he has Ella, but at the same time he is because there is no gorillas like him.

I think that gorillas should live in there habitat.

If i was a gorilla i would want to live in the jungle.

If you we’re a gorilla where would you live and why????